Dealer Information

    Tire & Vehicle Info

    PC/LT Tire Position

    2 Wheels/TB Tire Position

    Location of Damage

    Type of Warranty Claim

    6 Point Check


    Any sign of cuts or puncture on the site - indicate if penetrated or not.

    If the tire is repaired, indicate if the repair is hot process or cold patch.

    Abrasion or impact marks near the complaint area.

    Check of any irregularities on the bead.
    - cracks on the bead area (circumferential or not)

    - deformation on the bead(triangulated or any sign of improper bead seating)

    - evidence of bead heating and bead rubber brittleness

    - sign of mounting/demounting damage on bead

    - bulge or separation on the bead area

    - narrow rim(check/measure bead to bead clearance) - it should be within standard rim as indicated on the sidewall tire.

    - traces of chemicals or oil used during tire mounting

    Inner liner manifestations
    - sign of crease or stress marks

    - improper repair or repair failure

    - inner liner cracks near the bead area of the damage

    - any sign of running the tire in underinflated condition

    Photos of the Issue

    Customer Details

    © Excel Trend Warranty 2023